To all my classmates, I would like to apologize for not being able to put forth the effort that I would have like too. Due to the way my life is at this point I feel very lucky to have made it at all. I really enjoyed meeting all of you and hope each of you have tremendous success in your endeavors. This is a time in life that is difficult for everyone but if you all dig deep and make it through the classes that you must take the rewards are incredible. Just make sure to never overlook the students in your class and realize they each are individuals and have a very different story in life. Don't judge them. Listen closely. There may be that one student who is reaching out to you and need you more than your teachings. This is an area that is the most important aspect in teaching. It is one that can't be taught. You must open your eyes to the students, close your ears to the other teachers and judge each student individually by what they show you not by what others are saying.
Good luck to all of you!
Thank you Ms. Averitt for giving me understanding when I needed it most. This has been a struggle but the issues that are about to hit my family is a battle I will continue to fight. Thank you for being what a teacher should be.
Monday, April 27, 2009
What I learned in EDM 310
Well considering the way my life has been for the last six months I am lucky to have even made it through the class. This has been very difficult for me considering I have always been an over achiever. The class was not exactly what I expected, I had never really heard of blogging or podcasting so that was very new for me. I'm not really sure how I feel about it because I never had the time to put forth the effort that needed to be. For me this was very time consuming at a time when I didn't need anything else added to my plate. Saying that I do want you to understand where I can see this would be very beneficial in several areas in today's classes. For me and my class, I would have to do some creative thinking on how to use it in a Physical Education Class.
When I took this class I was hoping to learn more about the actual computer areas like power point, spread sheets, and excel to name a few. I feel I am not where I need to be and feel almost computer illiterate. I enjoyed the work we did in those areas and feel more comfortable using them, I just wish we would have had the opportunity to get more in depth with the actual computer programs. I feel they will help me more in my area of expertise.
I did enjoy the class even though I was unable to be the student I would have liked to have been and feel I would have learned a lot more at a different time in my life. I will continue to learn how to use what you have taught me and try to teach myself more.
When I took this class I was hoping to learn more about the actual computer areas like power point, spread sheets, and excel to name a few. I feel I am not where I need to be and feel almost computer illiterate. I enjoyed the work we did in those areas and feel more comfortable using them, I just wish we would have had the opportunity to get more in depth with the actual computer programs. I feel they will help me more in my area of expertise.
I did enjoy the class even though I was unable to be the student I would have liked to have been and feel I would have learned a lot more at a different time in my life. I will continue to learn how to use what you have taught me and try to teach myself more.
Week 15
The first podcast was about Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School's gardening program. The name of the program is The Edible School Yard and it brings the teachers and student's together to plant, maintain and harvest a real garden. By implementing this program, the students are learning and don't realize it. All the students have to work together to make the garden be a success which teaches teamwork and responsibility on so many levels. The teacher's also use different aspects of the garden to teach the kids in areas that may not be possible any other way. This allows all the kids to stand out and shine while they are taking great pride in their work.
The second podcast, "The Global Village Activity," was about students walking in the shoe's of the less fortunate. I really liked the idea of this program because so many people don't realize just how good they have it and how hard life is for other people. This program puts students into small groups with limited suppliesto surviv. They have one night to experience life as a hungary, cold, less fortunate individual. This allows kids to have a liitle insight on how hard life is for the unfortunate around the world. i would love to think it would give them some understanding and really make them think about others instead of being so self involved. Maybe by doing this more individuals will consider helping instead of looking the other way.
I felt both ideas that were brought into the class room were very beneficial. I think they both taught a part of life that you can't learn by text books alone. I loved how both programs taught team work and made the students think beyond the class room. These programs allowed the students to go to a different level of thinking where it wasn't just about book smarts but was about how to live in an everyday life.
I really felt these two podcast could almost be linked to one another. On one hand at Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School they were teaching how go grow a garden that is a necessity in life that most individuals have no clue how to do. Then by using it along with the Global Village Activity it would help people around the world survive a little easier. If some of these countries could to be more self sufficient maybe the world wouldn't be is such sad shape. They would at least be able to feed themselves and have an easier time surviving.
The second podcast, "The Global Village Activity," was about students walking in the shoe's of the less fortunate. I really liked the idea of this program because so many people don't realize just how good they have it and how hard life is for other people. This program puts students into small groups with limited suppliesto surviv. They have one night to experience life as a hungary, cold, less fortunate individual. This allows kids to have a liitle insight on how hard life is for the unfortunate around the world. i would love to think it would give them some understanding and really make them think about others instead of being so self involved. Maybe by doing this more individuals will consider helping instead of looking the other way.
I felt both ideas that were brought into the class room were very beneficial. I think they both taught a part of life that you can't learn by text books alone. I loved how both programs taught team work and made the students think beyond the class room. These programs allowed the students to go to a different level of thinking where it wasn't just about book smarts but was about how to live in an everyday life.
I really felt these two podcast could almost be linked to one another. On one hand at Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School they were teaching how go grow a garden that is a necessity in life that most individuals have no clue how to do. Then by using it along with the Global Village Activity it would help people around the world survive a little easier. If some of these countries could to be more self sufficient maybe the world wouldn't be is such sad shape. They would at least be able to feed themselves and have an easier time surviving.

Anne Gardner and I chose to visit Daphne High School to observe the ACCESS lab and speak with John Roh, who is the teacher that heads the facility. He gave a tour of the lab where he demonstrated the technbology and answered any questions we had.
The lab was set up in a rectangular room with rows of tables from front to back. There were two flat screen TV's, one in the back of the class and one in the front of the class. The TV in the back of the class was
used to monitor his students in the class and the classes at other school through video casting. The TV at the front of the class was for the student's benefit to view assignments and material being learned in the class.
Along with the two TV's was an Activ board at the front of the room. It can be interactively used by the teachers and students alon with their computer notebooks. This is very captivating for the students. The active board can be used in all areas of teaching. What I really found interesting about it was the fact you can actually
The lab was set up in a rectangular room with rows of tables from front to back. There were two flat screen TV's, one in the back of the class and one in the front of the class. The TV in the back of the class was

Along with the two TV's was an Activ board at the front of the room. It can be interactively used by the teachers and students alon with their computer notebooks. This is very captivating for the students. The active board can be used in all areas of teaching. What I really found interesting about it was the fact you can actually
Monday, April 20, 2009
Pros and Cons of Blogging
Blogging was something I had heard very little about until this class. I never had really seen a blog before and had certainly never blogged myself. The only time I could even remember hearing the word blog was on a talk show and I guess I really didn't pay attention because until this class I had no idea what blogging consisted of. I'm not really sure how I personally feel about it at this point. My life has been so time consuming it has been very difficult for me to find the time to really put forth in this area. However, I do see were blogging good be beneficial to a lot of class rooms. Not really sure how beneficial it would be to a physical education class.
If I were a teacher in a subject like English, I could see were blogging would be very beneficial to both the teacher and the students. Students are more interested in working on a computer these days and what better way for a student to be creative than using their blogs to peak their interests. They are able to express themselves for not only their teacher but other students in their class, their school and basically other parts of the world. They can share their opinions, thoughts, and questions to make their learning experience more interesting.
Teachers can use blogging to monitor the progress a student is making in their class. She can ask the questions and have them write on the topic and expand their thoughts. They can then have the students read other classmates work and see how each student interprets what has been taught. By doing this it allows a more creative way of teaching where the students receive a more well rounded view of the subject being taught.
As for the negative, I feel blogging is very time consuming. The way school classes are these days, it doesn't allow kids to have a life. When you add blogging to the mix that gives them even less time. If you substitute the blogging for their creative writing it wouldn't be quite as bad but I feel like we are already losing so much by taking pen and paper away from students. Yes I know that today's world is a technology world but what happen to the golden days of making things personal.
I read Joyce Fisk's class blog and felt she had very interesting views on the subject matter from week to week. She seemed to take the needed time to research her material and write a well thought out blog. I enjoyed her opinions and views on the subject matter and felt that by reading her posts I found myself changing my thoughts and views on some of the related areas.
If I were a teacher in a subject like English, I could see were blogging would be very beneficial to both the teacher and the students. Students are more interested in working on a computer these days and what better way for a student to be creative than using their blogs to peak their interests. They are able to express themselves for not only their teacher but other students in their class, their school and basically other parts of the world. They can share their opinions, thoughts, and questions to make their learning experience more interesting.
Teachers can use blogging to monitor the progress a student is making in their class. She can ask the questions and have them write on the topic and expand their thoughts. They can then have the students read other classmates work and see how each student interprets what has been taught. By doing this it allows a more creative way of teaching where the students receive a more well rounded view of the subject being taught.
As for the negative, I feel blogging is very time consuming. The way school classes are these days, it doesn't allow kids to have a life. When you add blogging to the mix that gives them even less time. If you substitute the blogging for their creative writing it wouldn't be quite as bad but I feel like we are already losing so much by taking pen and paper away from students. Yes I know that today's world is a technology world but what happen to the golden days of making things personal.
I read Joyce Fisk's class blog and felt she had very interesting views on the subject matter from week to week. She seemed to take the needed time to research her material and write a well thought out blog. I enjoyed her opinions and views on the subject matter and felt that by reading her posts I found myself changing my thoughts and views on some of the related areas.
EDM 310 Podcasts
The first podcast I listened to was an interview of Dr. Strange. You could tell he has been doing this for years from the clarity of his voice to the way he kept the audiences attention. Dr. Stranges voice was loud and clear and his words precise. His interview flowed well and you could tell it was not being read or that it had to be thought out while it was being recorded. I felt he definitely kept my interest from beginning to end.
The second podcast I listened to was by Nikki Hunter, Christi Turner and Tiffany Blocker on the issue of "Burp Back Education: How it can be eliminated". I felt they did a very good job explaining what Burp Back Education was and why this type of teaching process needs to be eliminated. I did feel at times that they were reading the material and that their voices became monotone. There material was interesting and well thought out and although their were brief pauses I felt they kept the interest of their audience. Their podcast was easily followed and felt was a good job.
ACCESS Distance Learning: A Work in Progress by Henryetta Alexandra, April Jones and Ashley Reed was the third podcast I listened too. These ladies did a great job gathering their information on ACCESS and delivered it in a way that was easily followed. There voices seemed clear during most of the of the podcast and I felt it was a well thought out and shared lecture. I felt the group leader did a good job keeping everything flowing and bringing the rest of the group in at times that were appropriate. There were usual mistakes that would be corrected during preparation and practice but I feel they did a good job.
My last podcast dealt with technology used in the classrooms at the University of South Alabama. I was a little let down by this podcast. I didn't feel that they were prepared with the information they needed to make this an informative podcast. I didn't really learn what the technology is that is being used or how it benefits USA's teachers or students. This podcast could have been more informative and easier followed.
As for mine and Anne's podcast. I know that we could have done a much better job. We did not come in as prepared as a lot of the other groups and I had a tendency to talk faster than I should have. We made a lot of typical mistakes that could be corrected from practice and being more comfortable with he situation.
The second podcast I listened to was by Nikki Hunter, Christi Turner and Tiffany Blocker on the issue of "Burp Back Education: How it can be eliminated". I felt they did a very good job explaining what Burp Back Education was and why this type of teaching process needs to be eliminated. I did feel at times that they were reading the material and that their voices became monotone. There material was interesting and well thought out and although their were brief pauses I felt they kept the interest of their audience. Their podcast was easily followed and felt was a good job.
ACCESS Distance Learning: A Work in Progress by Henryetta Alexandra, April Jones and Ashley Reed was the third podcast I listened too. These ladies did a great job gathering their information on ACCESS and delivered it in a way that was easily followed. There voices seemed clear during most of the of the podcast and I felt it was a well thought out and shared lecture. I felt the group leader did a good job keeping everything flowing and bringing the rest of the group in at times that were appropriate. There were usual mistakes that would be corrected during preparation and practice but I feel they did a good job.
My last podcast dealt with technology used in the classrooms at the University of South Alabama. I was a little let down by this podcast. I didn't feel that they were prepared with the information they needed to make this an informative podcast. I didn't really learn what the technology is that is being used or how it benefits USA's teachers or students. This podcast could have been more informative and easier followed.
As for mine and Anne's podcast. I know that we could have done a much better job. We did not come in as prepared as a lot of the other groups and I had a tendency to talk faster than I should have. We made a lot of typical mistakes that could be corrected from practice and being more comfortable with he situation.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Maine Department of Education "Mathematics with Technology
The first podcast I listen to was by Judy Chandler from the Maine Department of Education. Her podcast was "Mathematics with technology episode 1" dealing with the use of technology in classrooms teaching mathematics. Judy found that most teachers are very stubborn when it comes to the subject of technology in the classroom. Most teachers don't see the need for and and don't understand what a significant role the use of technology has on the world today. If that isn't enough they just don't think they can find the time to use the technology. They feel the only way to prepare their students for their exams is to complete the textbooks. What they don't see is by adding the technology the students become more interested and want to learn. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics tells us that technology is essential when teaching mathematics because it enhances the lessons that are taught and makes learning more effective. They also say technology is one of the six major principles in creating a high quality mathematics education classroom. Both the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and Judy say their are many technology tools available to help engage students in a multi-sensory, more productive learning environment.
The second podcast was "Thinking Mathematically- Episode 2", also by Judy Chandler. This podcast deals with the old fashion ways of teaching mathematics. Basically the textbook lessons. This is the way all of us were taught and which would also frustrate a lot of us. This was moving through the textbook lesson by lesson. Teaching in this manner would let a lot of kids get frustrated and get farther behind than they should be. Most teachers would continue to move through the books leaving those students that weren't understanding behind and confused. If the technology would have been implemented the students would be able to use a hands-on learning experience, using visual models, providing differentiated instruction and offering alternative ways to demonstrate learning. The teachers also need to stay involved by asking questions that focuses and guides student thinking and motivates them to use critical thinking. Judy Chandler focuses on one key point: "teachers should always use their resources and skills to help their students to "think mathematically".
It is very nice knowing that the technology is out there for us to explore and use to motivate our students. We now have so many tools available which will help us to meet the learning styles and needs of all our students. This will help enhance learning at all ranges for all ages. By listening to this podcast it just gives you a small idea of the extent and effectiveness that technology will have on our students today. It will allow our students to have hands-on learning that will motivate them to learn at another level.
I felt like Judy's podcast did a good job with expressing the importance of incorporating technology in the classroom. My only problem is finding a way to include it into a physical education program. I would like to find a way to incorporate the technology and questioning in my classroom to encourage critical thinking. I feel like this podcast has made my mind spin trying to find different ways that technology can be used. I feel like this podcast has motivated me to see what all is out there for my classroom.
The second podcast was "Thinking Mathematically- Episode 2", also by Judy Chandler. This podcast deals with the old fashion ways of teaching mathematics. Basically the textbook lessons. This is the way all of us were taught and which would also frustrate a lot of us. This was moving through the textbook lesson by lesson. Teaching in this manner would let a lot of kids get frustrated and get farther behind than they should be. Most teachers would continue to move through the books leaving those students that weren't understanding behind and confused. If the technology would have been implemented the students would be able to use a hands-on learning experience, using visual models, providing differentiated instruction and offering alternative ways to demonstrate learning. The teachers also need to stay involved by asking questions that focuses and guides student thinking and motivates them to use critical thinking. Judy Chandler focuses on one key point: "teachers should always use their resources and skills to help their students to "think mathematically".
It is very nice knowing that the technology is out there for us to explore and use to motivate our students. We now have so many tools available which will help us to meet the learning styles and needs of all our students. This will help enhance learning at all ranges for all ages. By listening to this podcast it just gives you a small idea of the extent and effectiveness that technology will have on our students today. It will allow our students to have hands-on learning that will motivate them to learn at another level.
I felt like Judy's podcast did a good job with expressing the importance of incorporating technology in the classroom. My only problem is finding a way to include it into a physical education program. I would like to find a way to incorporate the technology and questioning in my classroom to encourage critical thinking. I feel like this podcast has made my mind spin trying to find different ways that technology can be used. I feel like this podcast has motivated me to see what all is out there for my classroom.
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