Monday, February 2, 2009

Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators and Students Statewide "ACCESS"

Access is a multimedia resource that allows all students, to take advanced diploma courses to better prepare them for college or today’s workforce. Students are able to access other teachers and classrooms across the state by internet and through television to attend classes their school may not offer. They are able to receive instruction from various teachers with different teaching styles that will allow them to better increase their knowledge, interaction and communication skills. The students are able to enroll in duel classes to earn college credits while attending high school. This will put all students in this state on equal ground in ensure they all receive a high quality education with the opportunity to attend various colleges.

I truly believe that ACESS is an excellent program that has been designed with the idea of improving educational opportunities to all students across the state. The state of Alabama is in great hopes to implement this educational program in all schools across the state by 2010, giving every school the same educational benefits. All teachers will be monitored to make sure they are increasing their knowledge and effectiveness in the classroom and the students will be monitored to ensure progress is being made and that they are learning on their proper educational level. To learn more benefits of the ACCESS program go to the ACCESS website,

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