Tuesday, March 31, 2009

1st Grade- MCDS Huckleberry Room

I listened to a first grade boy tell a story he wrote and dedicated to his father. His father was taking a trip to Costa Rica to visit a friend so he wrote a story about a yellow car and a robber. The name of the story was "The Car In Costa Rica" and the little boy was named Will. The story is about a yellow car in Costa Rica that has been accused of being the getaway car for a Robbery. He really did an excellent job writing and reading the story.

I was very impressed with the creative writing and imagination of Will. He really impressed me not only with his story but with his ability to tell the story. I would have thought he would seem more frightened than he did. He spoke very well and clearly, every word was heard clearly.

I feel like podcasting would be an exciting tool for kids of this age. I can just see the excitement on their face when hearing their voices and what they sound like telling their stories. I feel like it would also be very exciting for the teacher also. While listening to your students, you can hear their strengths and weaknesses and be able to focus more on the areas that aren't as strong as others.

As a physical education teacher I don't know that this will be a tool that is implemented very easily in the class. I would like to think I could figure out a way to use it but even if I did I'm not sure the school would allow it or just see it as a waste of time. I do feel like this would be a great asset to other areas of education and would love to see my kids using this technology.

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